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The Untold Side of the Australian Home Ownership/Renting Discussion

It is fairly well known that over the past decades, home ownership rates have fallen, while the proportion of Australians renting has increased. This shift has also seen changes in the dwelling stock composition of Australia, with an ever-increasing share of households living in apartments and medium density dwellings as apartments are relatively more affordable and often in more desirable locations.Today, we wanted to dive deeper into the data to reveal the factors affecting rental rates across the country. Those familiar with the metropolitan areas of Australia are likely aware of the impact of the property investment industry, rising living costs and the need for…

blairgowrie, vacancy rates, victoria, melbourne, australia, housing, property market, census

Empty Suburbs of Australia: Part 2 – Victoria

Welcome to the second instalment of our Empty Suburbs series, where we will be taking a look at the suburbs and localities with the highest vacancy rates as of the 2021 Census. For this instalment, we will be exploring Victoria.From our last episode where we covered New South Wales, we found that the highest vacancy rate suburbs are along the Central Coast and the Inner City. Rather than just commenting on the phenomenon of high vacancies, we will also be highlighting the comparison between Victoria and New South Wales and the impacts of COVID-19 on Victoria’s dwellings. Do we see similar trends in Victoria? Are…

2021 Census: Predictions on Unemployment Rates & Industry Growth

What we’ve seen so far? The 2016 Census recorded low unemployment and underemployment rates, with a marginal drop from that of previous years.Unemployment rates have continued to be on the low since the 2016. While unemployment soared in the wake of Australia’s border closures, the economy witnessed a quick recovery with employment bouncing back to near pre-Covid levels. In light of the recurring lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 and the return of the international workforce back to their home countries, the available casual /part time workforce contracted. Underemployment rates followed a similar trend to unemployment rates since the last Census. While it’s promising that underemployment…


Census2021: Don’t you forget about me?

Those of you who are children of the 80s will remember the Simple Minds hit, ‘Don’t you forget about me’, a song made extra famous by the film, the Breakfast Club.On Tuesday August 10, 2021, the Australian Census will be conducted. Please don’t forget to ‘fill it in’. Hopefully, you have already received your log-in details to complete the form electronically.The value of the Census is immense to those planning for services and making investments in the both the public and private sector. It provides great continuity of data (every five years since 1961) and is really the only definitive data source in terms of…