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The Untold Side of the Australian Home Ownership/Renting Discussion

It is fairly well known that over the past decades, home ownership rates have fallen, while the proportion of Australians renting has increased. This shift has also seen changes in the dwelling stock composition of Australia, with an ever-increasing share of households living in apartments and medium density dwellings as apartments are relatively more affordable and often in more desirable locations.Today, we wanted to dive deeper into the data to reveal the factors affecting rental rates across the country. Those familiar with the metropolitan areas of Australia are likely aware of the impact of the property investment industry, rising living costs and the need for…

The ‘No’ vote and what it says about Australia

The result of the 2023 Referendum on Indigenous Recognition and the Voice to Parliament was a disappointing outcome for the ‘Yes’ campaign and I feel that disappointment too.While the overall result seemed never to be in doubt, the pattern of voting across Australia is highly revealing about the nature of people’s views about progressive social issues. It may also reflect the inherent conservative nature of the Australian electorate when it comes to change and the level of priority that Australians have towards the nation’s first peoples.The blurring of traditionally labour areas into the ‘No’ camp and liberal areas into the ‘Yes’ camp is obvious from…

blairgowrie, vacancy rates, victoria, melbourne, australia, housing, property market, census

Empty Suburbs of Australia: Part 2 – Victoria

Welcome to the second instalment of our Empty Suburbs series, where we will be taking a look at the suburbs and localities with the highest vacancy rates as of the 2021 Census. For this instalment, we will be exploring Victoria.From our last episode where we covered New South Wales, we found that the highest vacancy rate suburbs are along the Central Coast and the Inner City. Rather than just commenting on the phenomenon of high vacancies, we will also be highlighting the comparison between Victoria and New South Wales and the impacts of COVID-19 on Victoria’s dwellings. Do we see similar trends in Victoria? Are…

vacancy rates empty homes Central Coast Sydney Australia Census

Empty Suburbs of Australia: Part 1 – New South Wales

With current talks of a housing crisis, there have been discussions around rent freezes, incentives to increase supply of housing or slowing down the intake of overseas migrants. But one factor which is not often discussed is Australia’s use of unoccupied dwellings.So today, we ask the question – where are the unoccupied dwellings and why are they unoccupied? Are they significant in talks around the cost of living?Starting with New South Wales, we will be using 2021 Census data to determine which suburbs have the highest vacancies and examine how this phenomenon changes across localities. But before we jump into the list, let’s first talk…