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Housing Consumption Australia

Changing Housing Consumption Patterns: Lessons from the Census 2021

There is constant media attention regarding the state of the housing market in Australia. Are prices going up or are prices going down? Are we meeting housing demand? Are we building too many apartments? Read on to find out more. What Does the 2021 Census Data Tell Us? With the release of the 2021 Census of Population and Housing, we were very keen to see what had happened with indicators of housing supply and demand, namely: Average household size Vacancy rates These two indicators give us a simple, but relatively good feel for the dwelling supply versus demand. At the Australian level, average household size…

COVID-19 – 12 months on: Impacts on Australian housing

This is the final in a series of four blogs on the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian population and residential housing market. For a long time, it was thought that growth in the Australian economy and the housing market was underpinned by overseas migration-driven, population growth. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020 and soon after the borders were effectively closed. Boom not bust For a long time, it was thought that growth in the Australian economy and the housing market was underpinned by overseas migration-driven, population growth. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020 and soon after the borders were effectively…