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phillip island, victoria, coast

Migration from Melbourne to the Coast – Patterns and Motivations

Victoria has witnessed significant migration from Melbourne to regional towns during the last decade. The desire for a simpler, more affordable, and less stressful life allowed many Melburnians to pack their bags and ‘seek refuge’ in regional areas and coastal towns, altering the socioeconomic landscape and reshaping communities. With the power of retrospect, we take a look at the patterns of migration, the motivations behind them, and ask whether this trend is temporary or here to stay. A changing market and pandemic spurred shift​ This demographic shift was most prominent during the last inter-Censal period (2016-2021) and accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The “Great Resignation”…

Mature female worker, working professional, senior professional

Opportunities For Empowerment – A Different Look at Australia’s Ageing Population

If you have been keeping with the news, you may have seen the 2023 release of the Intergenerational Report, a document summarising economic outlooks and Australia’s budget over the next 30 years. One of the major challenges identified is Australia’s ageing population, an issue which has sparked significant discussion in the media with concerns that even with superannuation, retirees will still not able to cover living expenses.According to AMP’s 2022 Financial Wellness report, 21% of working Australians are not confident that they have the funds to live at their desired lifestyle in 2022, up from 17% in 2021.While we acknowledge the challenges of the situation…

Australia migration population trends pattern population projections macro economics

A Year is a long time in Australian Demographics

Many people will be aware that Australia’s population growth has rebounded after the lean COVID-19 years. Unprecedented levels of overseas migration have reversed the minimal population growth from the June Quarter of 2020 to the September Quarter of 2021. The strength of the rebound has come as a bit of a surprise, given the levels of pessimism regarding Australia’s demographic and economic outlook during the peak of the pandemic only two years ago. The increase has been unprecedented with the latest data showing a net migration gain to Australia of almost 387,000 people in the year ending December 2022. This is the highest gain to…

Melbourne, CBD construction, activity centres, planning

Activity centre policy in Melbourne, has it worked?

Do you live or work near a PTV train station? Perhaps you drive to one to catch the train? By now, you have probably noticed the amount of residential construction that has taken place around these stations in the last several years – trust us, your eyes do not deceive!Guided by activity centre policies (from both State and local Governments), it aims to focus new residential growth around existing transport nodes, specifically our metropolitan train stations. The idea and practice of encouraging focused higher density development around transit nodes has been around for a while. It brings about many advantages, such as greater walkability, better…

Migration Flows to Wyndham

Migration Flows for the City of Wyndham: Census 2021

Over 3,000 Melburnians crossed the Yarra River to call Wyndham home The second series release of the ABS 2021 Census has arrived and one of the datasets that we enjoy exploring is the internal migration. This gives us some understanding of the scale of migration and where people are going.  If you have been following our Census 2021 blog series so far, we explored the fastest growing Local Government Areas around Australia. In Victoria, this happened to be in the City of Wyndham. During the inter-Censal period, Wyndham went from 217,118 i 2016 to over 292,000 people by 2021 – a gain of nearly 75,000…

COVID-19 – 12 months on: Impacts on Australian housing

This is the final in a series of four blogs on the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian population and residential housing market. For a long time, it was thought that growth in the Australian economy and the housing market was underpinned by overseas migration-driven, population growth. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020 and soon after the borders were effectively closed. Boom not bust For a long time, it was thought that growth in the Australian economy and the housing market was underpinned by overseas migration-driven, population growth. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020 and soon after the borders were effectively…


Census2021: Don’t you forget about me?

Those of you who are children of the 80s will remember the Simple Minds hit, ‘Don’t you forget about me’, a song made extra famous by the film, the Breakfast Club.On Tuesday August 10, 2021, the Australian Census will be conducted. Please don’t forget to ‘fill it in’. Hopefully, you have already received your log-in details to complete the form electronically.The value of the Census is immense to those planning for services and making investments in the both the public and private sector. It provides great continuity of data (every five years since 1961) and is really the only definitive data source in terms of…