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Opportunities For Empowerment – A Different Look at Australia’s Ageing Population

If you have been keeping with the news, you may have seen the 2023 release of the Intergenerational Report, a document summarising economic outlooks and Australia’s budget over the next 30 years. One of the major challenges identified is Australia’s ageing population, an issue which has sparked significant discussion in the media with concerns that even with superannuation, retirees will still not able to cover living expenses.According to AMP’s 2022 Financial Wellness report, 21% of working Australians are not confident that they have the funds to live at their desired lifestyle in 2022, up from 17% in 2021.While we acknowledge the challenges of the situation…

Australia migration population trends pattern population projections macro economics

A Year is a long time in Australian Demographics

Many people will be aware that Australia’s population growth has rebounded after the lean COVID-19 years. Unprecedented levels of overseas migration have reversed the minimal population growth from the June Quarter of 2020 to the September Quarter of 2021. The strength of the rebound has come as a bit of a surprise, given the levels of pessimism regarding Australia’s demographic and economic outlook during the peak of the pandemic only two years ago. The increase has been unprecedented with the latest data showing a net migration gain to Australia of almost 387,000 people in the year ending December 2022. This is the highest gain to…

camden oran park spring farm sydney housing market population growth

Migration to Camden: Sydney’s fastest growing Council

In our previous blog “Population growth in New South Wales: Stories from the 2021 Census”, it was revealed that Camden was the fastest growing Local Government Area (LGA) in NSW, going from 78,200 persons in 2016 to 119,325 by 2021; a rate of 52.6%! The next closest LGAs were The Hills Shire (22.0%) and Blacktown (17.7%). Growth in these LGAs was predominantly driven by rapid rates of greenfield residential development in new estates, hence attracting new residents to the area. “Over half of Camden’s new residents arrive from neighbouring Liverpool and Campbelltown” The migration map below shows the most significant net flows of people to…

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Population Growth in South Australia : 2021 Census Stories

What does the ABS 2021 Census tells us about population growth rates across Southern Australia? Despite the overall rate of population growth in SA experiencing strong gains from 2016 to 2021 (6.3%), not all LGAs across the state benefited from the large overseas migration gain that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic. The fastest growing LGAs between 2016 and 2021 were mainly the outer and fringe areas of Adelaide, where greenfield development was the most predominant. Maralinga Tjarutja Council was the fastest growing Council in remote northern South Australia with a 50%+ increase, although the gain was just 34 persons.Most coastal areas grew strongly in the lead…

Gold Coast LGA growth

Stories from the 2021 Census: Population Growth in Queensland

Queensland has experienced the strongest population growth out of all Australian States/Territories from 2016 to 2021 (9.6%), as most LGAs across the state benefited from the large overseas and interstate migration gain that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, Queensland continued to benefit from population gains from other states/territories as detailed in our previous blog : COVID-19 – 12 months on: Interstate migration. Highest rates of growth in South-East Queensland are on the outskirts of Brisbane A breakdown of population growth by SA3 (Statistical Area Level 3) allows use to delve deeper into population change beyond the LGA level for South-East Queensland. All SA3 areas…

Population growth in New South Wales: Stories from the 2021 Census

We have already looked at Victoria, now its time for the Premier State. NSW LGAs have experienced varying rates of growth, with lots of population gain in the greenfield growth areas of Sydney and in the Hunter. The overall rate of population growth in NSW was very strong from 2016 to 2021 (7.9%), but not all LGAs across the state benefited from the large overseas migration gain that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic. The fastest growing LGAs in percentage terms between 2016 and 2021 were mainly on the fringe of Sydney, as well as Newcastle and Canberra, where greenfield development predominates. Camden LGA was the fastest…


Population growth in Victoria: Stories from the 2021 Census

With the release of the 2021 census, a rich world of information has been opened up to us regarding the happenings in the Victorian population over the last five years. In my experience, never has there been such a sense of anticipation, given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is fascinating to see the distribution of population growth across Victoria from 2016 to 2021 and the impact that the pandemic has had on those trends. We have just analysed the fastest growing LGAs in Victoria….. The overall rate of population growth remained very high from 2016 to 2021 (9.7% in Victoria) because of the…


2021 Census : Ahead of the First Release

The first release of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census 2021 is coming! Set to be available on June 28, it will feature key population data critical to understanding what is going on with the Australian population. Australian cities and towns have undergone unprecedented change since the 2016 Census. The way we live, work and play, combined with technological advances has forced us to reframe the way we see these demographic forces and their interplay with the urban environment. Hopefully, the first release will provide some clarity into a lot of the anecdotes Australians have been hearing and talking about the past couple of years.…